Month: December 2009

  • SmugImport: Import your SmugMug albums into Facebook

    SmugImport: Import your SmugMug albums into Facebook

    SmugMug is great.

    As the marketing material says, SmugMug gives you

    • Gorgeous online albums
    • Unlimited storage
    • Privacy when you need it
    • Complete customisation
    • No ads or spam
    • Stunning HD video

    I’ve been using SmugMug for a couple of years now and a quick glance at the stats in my control panel tells me I have uploaded 7,197 photos, totalling 21.58GB. That’s a lot of photos.

    But while my photos look about a bajillion times better on SmugMug than they do on Facebook, there are some advantages to having them on Facebook, as well. In the past this meant uploading each photo twice; once into SmugMug and then again into Facebook. That’s a pain, even with a pretty fast connection.

    While you can post links to your SmugMug galleries on Facebook I wanted to be able to import them into their own Facebook albums so I wrote a Facebook application to do it.

    SmugImport allows you to import your galleries from SmugMug directly into Facebook.

    At the moment it only works with public SmugMug galleries but I plan to add support for private galleries in the near future.