SmugImport: Import your SmugMug albums into Facebook

SmugMug is great.

As the marketing material says, SmugMug gives you

  • Gorgeous online albums
  • Unlimited storage
  • Privacy when you need it
  • Complete customisation
  • No ads or spam
  • Stunning HD video

I’ve been using SmugMug for a couple of years now and a quick glance at the stats in my control panel tells me I have uploaded 7,197 photos, totalling 21.58GB. That’s a lot of photos.

But while my photos look about a bajillion times better on SmugMug than they do on Facebook, there are some advantages to having them on Facebook, as well. In the past this meant uploading each photo twice; once into SmugMug and then again into Facebook. That’s a pain, even with a pretty fast connection.

While you can post links to your SmugMug galleries on Facebook I wanted to be able to import them into their own Facebook albums so I wrote a Facebook application to do it.

SmugImport allows you to import your galleries from SmugMug directly into Facebook.

At the moment it only works with public SmugMug galleries but I plan to add support for private galleries in the near future.


6 responses to “SmugImport: Import your SmugMug albums into Facebook”

  1. Bruce Avatar

    Sadly it is broken for me and others right now.

  2. David Avatar

    I have added some debugging to the log to try to pinpoint any error. Please use the Facebook discussion board for any support requests.

  3. Pete Avatar

    SmugImport seems to be the best SmugMug -> Facebook exporter/importer around! Photos are higher resolution than what’s available with Photo Smuggler. My main complaint: It looks like I can only import into existing Facebook galleries. How do I import to a new Facebook gallery? Is there even a way of creating a new empty Facebook gallery without manually uploading a photo?

  4. David Avatar

    There does need to be an existing album for SmugImport to import to but the ability to import to a new album is something I would like to add in future.

    It is possible to create a Facebook album without uploading anything but it’s not obvious.

    When you click on the Upload Photos button there is a dialog box that says “Trouble uploading photos? Try the Simple Uploader”. Click on this and it will take you to the old Create Album screen. This will let you create a new album without having to upload any pictures.

  5. Sarah Avatar


    I love SmugImport; it’s the best way to get my SmugMug photos onto Facebook and I use it all the time. I tried to use it today and the app has disappeared from Facebook! Any idea what happened?

  6. David Avatar

    Facebook’s automated systems decided to ban SmugImport. Please see this post on the Digital Grin forum:

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