All posts filed under: Dev

TextMate for IntelliJ users

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I use IntelliJ IDEA. I also use TextMate. The fact that I spend most of my day in IntelliJ means I’m used to IntelliJ’s keyboard mapping which happens to be slightly different from TextMate’s. The biggest difference I found was with the Home and End keys and the Delete Line mapping. So here’s how to make TextMate work more like IntelliJ. Change Home and End keys From this old blog post: Create the custom KeyBindings […]

Devoxx – Project Coin, Defective Java and the Social Network

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Joe Darcy and Maurizio Cimadamore gave a preview of the changes coming up in Project Coin. These are small changes to the Java language that will be added to Java 7. They all look pretty useful and include: Strings in switch Collection literals <> (generic type inference) Multicatch catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException e) { // Do something throw(e); } Bill Pugh’s session was as popular as expected for his talk about defective code and how […]

Devoxx – Improve the performance of your Spring app

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This talk by Costin Leau was about the new caching features in Spring 3.1. After going over some problems you can face when caching (stale data, thrashing, distributed caches) and different caching patterns he introduced the declarative caching of Spring 3.1. It uses AOP and can be declared on methods by adding the @Cacheable annotation. This annotation caches a method’s return value using it’s parameters as the key although this can be customised. Eg: @Cacheable […]

Devoxx – Performance Anxiety

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I doubt Joshua Bloch suffers from performance anxiety but it was slightly ironic that there were some technical problems before he started his talk, titled Performance Anxiety, to an absolutely packed room at Devoxx today. I knew it would be a popular session so I got there early and so managed to find a seat, unlike the others who sat on the steps or crowded the doorway. His talk was about microbenchmarking – measuring the […]

Devoxx – The Next Big JVM Language

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Stephen Colebourne gave an entertaining talk to a packed room called The Next Big JVM Language. He went over the features of such new JVM languages as Groovy, Clojure, Scala and Fantom (which I’d never heard of). He seemed to be leaning toward Fantom as the language of choice before delivering the punchline that the best candidate for the Next Big Language might be a backwards incompatible version of Java itself. I think I agree. […]

Devoxx day two

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A couple of pretty heavy-going sessions at Devoxx today. First up was Cassandra by Example with Jonathan Ellis one of the founders of Cassandra support company Riptano. I have already had some experience with Cassandra at both my previous and current jobs but it was good to go over the principals of Cassandra as well as seeing an example application deconstructed. Cassandra’s strengths are: Scalability Reliability No single point of failure Multiple data centre support […]