Category: Dev

  • Java University

    Java University

    Today was the Java University day. It was a long day. There were three sessions, each of three hours duration which meant a twelve hour day (including breaks).

    My first session was Developing Enterprise Applications With the Spring Framework with Chris Richardson, the author of POJOs in Action. He was a good speaker although he had one of those slightly mutant delicately nuanced accents that Brits seem to get after spending a long time living in the US. The session was interesting although he spent most of the time on all the dependency injection stuff I was quite familiar with and seemed to run out of time toward the end and had to rush a bit over the Hibernate stuff. But he went into some detail over Spring’s AOP support as well as the annotations that can eliminate a lot of the XML. While annotations can reduce the amount of XML required I’m not sure this is entirely a good thing as then your POJOs become more tightly coupled to the Spring framework. I think I prefer keeping it all in XML then your POJOs don’t need to know anything about Spring. He also described configuring the Application Context using JavaConfig which is pure Java but this looks even worse than annotations to me.

    After lunch I attended a session on Using the Power of JRuby and Rails to Develop Robust Applications. This was a joint presentation by Brian Leonard and Sang Shin of JavaPassion fame. I found this really interesting. Brian gave a (brief) introduction to Ruby and JRuby in the first hour and the next two hours Sang went through a hands-on lab building various Rails applications.

    The ability to create a working CRUD application using the Rails framework in about five minutes is amazing and it definitely looks like a fun language/framework to learn. An interesting Rails feature is the database migrations which manage the evolution of database schema. The transformations are described in self-contained ruby classes that have up and down methods that are called in sequence when migrating between versions of a database schema. Eg:

    class AddSsl < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up add_column :accounts, :ssl_enabled, :boolean, :default => 1
        def self.down
            remove_column :accounts, :ssl_enabled

    You can put any ruby code you want in these up and down methods.

    It’s interesting that when you generate a new model class it actually contains no real code, eg:

    class Message < ActiveRecord::Base

    Rails actually makes extensive use of ruby’s metaprogramming features here to create dynamically generated classes and methods.

    The neat thing about JRuby (a ruby interpreter that runs on the JVM) is that you can call all your java code from your ruby program, eg:

    include Java
    import javax.swing.JFrame
    frame ="Ruby SWINGS!")
    frame.set_size(640, 480)

    I’m definitely going to have a play around with this and Netbeans has some awesome ruby/rails support now.

    After the reception I stayed for a session on Netbeans 6.x. This covered quite a few features of the latest Netbeans but particularly interesting was the profiling tools. This uses JVMTI and lets you specify “root methods” which will only add instrumentation to those methods. This saves adding any profiling overhead to other areas of your application. You then run the appserver in profiling mode and take a “snapshot” which shows methods called, the number of invocations and the time spent in them, including “self time” which doesn’t include time spent in methods called by that method. You can then view this output in a few different ways and jump to the code. It looks really useful.

    They also covered Netbeans’s new support for scripting languages like Ruby and JavaScript. Both the ruby editor and the javascript editor have support for refactoring and code completion. The javascript editor also has code completion support for frameworks like JQuery, scriptaculous and yui. A nice touch are the little icons that indicate browser compatibility. I also scored a Netbeans USB drive which includes an early access release of the new PHP suport in Netbeans.

    This morning It had been lovely and sunny when I left at 7.30 but it was quite chilly when I emerged at 9pm. A sea fog had started to obscure the tops of the tallest buildings and the air was damp. I stopped for a while to listen to a loud three piece band playing on the corner of O’Farrell St and Powell.

    It was a long day but a good start to what looks to be a busy week.

  • My First JavaOne

    My First JavaOne

    Today I arrived in sunny San Francisco ahead of JavaOne 2008. Tomorrow is the Java University day before the main conference starts on Tuesday.

    I’m staying in the Sir Francis Drake Hotel on Powell Street. This is an interesting hotel, built in 1928, with lots of quirky touches like doormen in Beefeater uniforms and a cool “Cutler Mailing System” which seems to be a chute that runs down the elevator shaft. Presumably you can drop a postcard in and it will shoot down to a big bin somewhere in the bowels of the hotel.

  • Facebook mirror

    Facebook mirror

    While I was doing a yum update today I noticed it was trying It turns out they mirror a lot of open source projects there.

  • Mock Objects and test driven design

    Mock Objects and test driven design

    I thought I may as well put some of the work I did for my MSc online rather than leave it languishing on my hard drive where it will never be seen again.

    I’m not ready to publish my final project yet but here is a research essay I wrote about Mock Objects and test driven design (TDD).

  • MySQL Users Conference – Day 4

    MySQL Users Conference – Day 4

    Well, it is the last day of the MySQL Users Conference. It’s been really interesting with lots of great sessions and keynotes. Today was a bit shorter and I think the programme was the weakest as far as sessions went but here are the ones I attended.

    Rasmus gave a keynote today with the rather strange title “PHP on Hormones“. He showed us an example of “PHP v1.0” and gave four reasons why people contribute to open source:

    1. Self interest
    2. Self expression
    3. Hormones (oxytocin nature’s “trust hormone” is released through interaction with others)
    4. Improve the world

    He made the good point that Web 2.0 is all about the contributions from the users and successful sites harness network effects and get better the more people use them in a way that caters to their own interest.

    It’s not what people think about you, but rather what they think about themselves.

    This is a fundamental law of human nature that is worth remembering. People like to feel important and, in general, are self-interested.

    He went over a lot of the same stuff as he talked about in his other session on security (including defacing the conference website through its XSS vulnerability 🙂 ).

    Another interesting keynote was Scaling MySQL at YouTube by Paul Tuckfield. This was packed with some fairly technical stuff and he didn’t quite have time to go through it all in enough detail but here are some key points:

    The top reasons for YouTube scalability are:

    • python
    • memcache
    • replication

    They originally had a separate database running MyISAM to do click tracking and ran everything else on an InnoDB database with replication. YouTube have far more reads than writes so replication works well for them but it is a constant battle to keep replication lag down.

    One way they worked around replication lag was to have separate replication pools – certain pages are sent to certain replicas. This lowered lag and increased cache affinity.
    The other way to speed up replication is with hardware. Their standard DB boxes are:

    • 4x2GHz cores
    • 16GB RAM
    • 12x10k RAID10

    Paul is a big believer in the power of disks. He suggests rather than upgrading CPUs people should increase RAM and spindle count.

    He also had some good suggestions for optimising drives and caching. Obviously if you can fit your DB in RAM that is great but otherwise writes should only be cached by the RAID controller and reads should only be cached by the database. This is because the database will have the largest cache so a hit in database cache means the lower caches went unused but a miss in the database cache can only miss in other caches because they’re smaller and not as smart.

    Implementing High Availability with DRBD was an interesting discussion of the Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD). DRBD can give you more availability than standard replication but less than cluster. Five nines of uptime means your site has to be up for all but five minutes in a year.

    DRBD is kind of like network RAID1. While standard replication is asynchronous, DRBD uses synchronous block replication. It is set up with heartbeat in a passive/active failover setup. You can still use replication with this by pointing the slaves at the floating IP.

    John Allspaw gave a session on capacity planning at flickr. They use ganglia for monitoring which looks pretty cool and the following tools for deployments:

    In the High Performance Data Warehousing with MySQL session, Brian Miezejewski made the point that partitioning is the key but the scheme should be flexible to grow without table rebuilds.

    He suggested MyISAM should be used for most DW needs because the data files are smaller and they are easy to copy between servers and for most DW queries they are faster than InnoDB. However, there are problems with table locking for loading high volumes of real-time data, deletes will break concurrent inserts, there is no index clustering and table repairs on big tables take a LONG time.

    InnoDB is good for high volume streaming inserts (although if you ONLY ever insert then you could use MyIsam). It is also good if ALL queries can take advantage of index clustering (innodb clusters the data with its primary key and lookups using the PK are faster than keyed lookups in myisam) but if you don’t use the primary keys performance can go down.

    Primary keys in InnoDB should be kept small as they are stored with every secondary as well.

    Brian also talked about the new Nitro storage engine. This proprietary engine seems to do some pretty amazing stuff and I was talking to Terry Christensen from Nitro Security about it the other day.

    It can do very high insertion rates (20k inserts/sec) with simultaneous queries. Also, it has ultra-high performance on aggregate operations (sum, avg, etc) on index values. It uses some ingenious indexing for this. It runs well on 32bit machines and can use partial indexes in ways other engines cannot.

    The only downsides seem to be that it doesn’t do transactions and it costs $15,000 per server (this includes a full MySQL Enterprise Edition). Still, the stats for this engine are very impressive.

    For backing up very large tables, Brian suggests copying the data files or if you partition you only need to backup the partition that has changed. He also described a trick for building aggregates on the fly using insert on duplicates update. Eg given a sales aggregate table with primary key(STORE,DATE):

     COUNT = COUNT+1;

    The closing keynote was by Pasha Sadri from Yahoo! talking about Yahoo! Pipes. This is really cool. It lets you stitch together feeds and web services to make your own customised feeds.

    The conference has been tiring but worth it. There are a lot of really smart people here and it’s been good to see how web 2.0 companies like Digg and Flickr have dealt with scaling.

  • MySQL Users Conference – Day 3

    MySQL Users Conference – Day 3

    It was the third day of the MySQL Users Conference and it was just as packed with good stuff as the days before.

    Eben Moglen, Professor of Law and Legal History at Columbia University Law School and General Counsel of the Free Software Foundation gave a very thoughtful and interesting keynote entitled “Freedom Businesses Protect Privacy”. He talked about how the type of information stored has changed over the centuries and how the most powerful holders of information in the 21st century are private data mining organisations (using data voluntarily given) – not governments. He also made the interesting point that if Alice uses, say, gmail and Bob sends her an email then he too is being data mined even though it was Alice that shared her data.

    His suggestion was to protect our private information by “storing it yourself” and then using freely available tools to mine your own data. I’m not sure I agree. Firstly, I don’t really want to store and analyse all my purchases at Amazon to determine new titles I might be interested in. That just isn’t going to happen. And secondly, don’t I really only accrue the benefit of data mining when thousands of other users’ data can be aggregated to determine trends? I’m not sure how useful a single person’s data is, especially to that person. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for protecting my private data but when you collect a sufficiently large sample of suitably anonymised data you can create services of real benefit to those who share their data. That said, I think the statistic of 1.6 CCTV cameras for every UK citizen is fucking obscene.

    There were plenty of good sessions today too. This conference is really packed with smart people giving interesting talks.

    Federation at flickr by Dathan Pattishall was a packed session. Flickr is different from a lot of the web apps being discussed here because it is quite write intensive. To deal with this they required a multi-master setup – something that is a little tricky with MySQL. They also needed no single point of failure and had to be able to serve pages FAST.

    Federation refers to the storage engine. Basically it is another sharding setup. The main components of the setup are:

    • The shards (slices of the main database) – 2 servers in master-master replication
    • Global Ring or Lookup Ring which provides the ability for the app to access a shard. It is kind of like DNS.
    • PHP logic to connect to the shards (10 lines of PHP code!)

    The shards are setup in Active Master-Master Ring Replication. Because of this they needed to externalise the autoincrement IDs so they are globally unique. There are two servers using circular replication for this. These are called the “ticket” servers and they have a single row containing the max ID. They use the new 5.0 autoincrement offset stuff.

    Users are assigned to a shard at random. This is quite balanced because they have so many new users. Occasionally they need to migrate users to balance data but this is quite easy. A user is always sent to a single machine during their session so they don’t get replication lag, ie not seeing changes immediately.

    Each server in a shard is 50% loaded so they can shut down half the servers in a shard for maintenance.

    When searching they need to combine results from shards so if one shard is slow the whole query is slow. To avoid this they use two search back ends. Most search is handled by proprietary yahoo search but some real time searches go to the shards.

    The servers are 64bit RHEL4 16GB RAM 15K RPM RAID10 and their data size is about 12TB of meta data (not including the image data which is stored on a filer.) They use InnoDB file per table so space can be reclaimed from deletes. It is also easier for backups and data migration.

    Database configuration:

    • Max connections: 400 per server in shard (800 across both servers in a shard)
    • Thread concurrency 32
    • 5% of 12TB in memory so 13GB for innodb_buffer_pool

    When doing a schema roll out they shutdown half the servers in a shard and force traffic to other server, do the ALTER TABLE, then bring it up and do the other server.

    Both of the Amazon AWS sessions were scheduled at the same time. Luckily I went to the S3 storage engine first which ran short so I could sneak into the other session too.

    Mark Atwood has created a new storage engine that uses Amazon’s S3 service. Unfortunately it is not yet a replacement for a general SQL engine but it is good for storing and serving big BLOBs like images. Simple selects showed very good response times. Here is how S3 translates to MySQL:

    • AWS Account -> CREATE SERVER
    • S3 Bucket -> Table
    • S3 Item -> Row
    • S3 Item Key -> VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY
    • S3 Item Contents -> BLOB or VARCHAR

    Here is how you would create a table:

    CREATE TABLE 'bierce' ( 
    'defn' BLOB) 
    CONNECTION='awss3 DevilDictionary $server MyAWSAcct'; 

    There are some problems like:

    • Not transactional
    • No temporal guarantees – IE it could take some time for someone connected to a different AWS datacenter to see your latest insert
    • Bad queries can cost real money. Full table scans are bad.

    This engine can only be used with 5.1.

    When Mark’s talk finished I went over to the session by Gururaja Rao from wipro on running cluster on Amazon EC2. I missed the first bit of this session but after speaking with him afterwards it looks like they have been very successful running cluster on EC2 (although only 5.0 not 5.1’s on disk NDB so far). His plan is to build a service that monitors the state of the cluster and automatically provision a new EC2 instance if one should fail. His architecture also involves running backups to S3 for disaster recovery. I asked him if there was a limit to the size of the cluster you can run and he didn’t seem to think there would be a problem running a 100 node cluster. Not sure how easy that would be to manage though…

    This sounds really cool and would certainly be great for high availability. However, what would be even cooler is if this could be combined with the ability to automatically add nodes to the cluster depending on the server load. I think this would be harder though as I don’t think you can just add another node to MySQL without restarting the cluster. I think this is planned for 5.2.

    There is a also the small chance that you have multiple members of your cluster on the same physical box. If you were to lose this machine then that could be bad for high availability…

    This definitely looks promising although I don’t think it is something we would look at immediately as it adds quite a bit of complexity and I don’t think we would need that level of availability to begin with. Also, there is the small matter that this is just an idea and is not built yet. 🙂

    I was chatting to fellow Aussie Adam Donnison at lunch yesterday and today I sat in on his session on running the MySQL websites. It was interesting to note the similarities of the mysql setup with our m3 infrastructure although he uses ldirectord/lvs for software load balancing (they used to use RR DNS!)

    It was all fairly obvious stuff for a competent sysadmin though: separation of server functions, redundancy, minimising network traffic, handling failover with heartbeat. He did make a good point about redundancy though; that you should only pay for it where it is needed. So if you have designed your architecture to survive the loss of a machine, you don’t really need redundant power supplies or disks or anything on that box. You may as well just save the money.

    In the future they plan to introduce a globally distributed setup; at the moment the servers are all in in one location. Listening to MySQL say they used to use RR DNS as load balancing and that they are planning a multi-site setup, and the amount of data that other sites like Digg (not flickr!) manage made me realise how sophisticated our M3 setup was (is). We had a global load balancing setup and managed a 1TB database driving 20 web servers.

    Tobias Eggendorfer’s talk about German site Wundermedia was a bit weird. It was mostly about how they managed to scale their site with zero budget by writing their own caching engine and using some crazy jury-rigged replication scheme using SCP. Or maybe I dreamed that.

    Andi Gutmans, who bears a striking resemblance to Mr Bean, gave a session on the state of PHP. Apparently 75% of new PHP apps are using PHP5. Another 75% statistic that was more surprising was the percentage of PHP developers who develop on Windows. He spent some time discussing the Zend Framework and I was interested to learn about its built in support for web services. Not just standard stuff like REST and SOAP but built-in support for Amazon, flickr, yahoo, etc. It also has full PDF read/write support. I would be interested to see how its API compares to the R&OS PDF class which is a bit nasty.

    The reason they are moving towards an eclipse development platform is to gain tighter integration with Java. They support the Eclipse PDT project and v1.0 of this should be released in September.

    Another really interesting PHP session was given by Mike Ho on creating web services in four lines using Qcodo. This is a really cool looking framework that has stuff like support for writing AJAX in PHP, ORM using code generation and some awesome WSDL generation abilities.

    In his presentation he really did create web services that generated nasty big WSDL documents in a few lines of code. He created a simple web service class and then proceeded to access this from c# code running in Visual Studio in a Parallels desktop (an aside: there are a LOT of Macs here. At least half of the presentations were given on Macs). Here is an example:

    require 'includes/';
    class MyService extends QSoapService
         * return string
        public function foo() {
            return 'foo';

    This code will generate the necessary WSDL to provide a SOAP service.

    Ed Presz from Ticketmaster talked about how they use replication to scale. Some nice figures were:

    • 14,000 tickets sold in a minute
    • 500,000 tickets sold in a day

    Again, replication works well for them because they have a high proportion of reads. They currently use MySQL 4.0 (they used to use MS SQL Server) but hope to move to 5.0 this year.

    They use a large number of “chained” slaves. So a slave becomes a master to another slave. This gives them a lot of redundancy.

    Interestingly they replicate across the Atlantic. Their servers in the UK log the transactions and then they are replicated across the pond for reporting via a 10mb WAN link. They standardise all their times in UTC.

    Lots of people have been saying how setting innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 gives a huge improvement in performance – at most you can lose 1 sec of data. Usually this is worth it for the gain in speed.