All posts tagged: javaone2008

Java University

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Today was the Java University day. It was a long day. There were three sessions, each of three hours duration which meant a twelve hour day (including breaks). My first session was Developing Enterprise Applications With the Spring Framework with Chris Richardson, the author of POJOs in Action. He was a good speaker although he had one of those slightly mutant delicately nuanced accents that Brits seem to get after spending a long time living […]

My First JavaOne

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Today I arrived in sunny San Francisco ahead of JavaOne 2008. Tomorrow is the Java University day before the main conference starts on Tuesday. I’m staying in the Sir Francis Drake Hotel on Powell Street. This is an interesting hotel, built in 1928, with lots of quirky touches like doormen in Beefeater uniforms and a cool “Cutler Mailing System” which seems to be a chute that runs down the elevator shaft. Presumably you can drop […]