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[Sep. 30th, 2006|10:23 am]
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From: (Anonymous)
2006-10-03 08:47 pm (UTC)


Hello Alan,just Mariko here having read your journal with great interest and amusement at your most super descriptions etc. will..continue direct via email. Is that direct though?..anyway..via email...well other than this that is ...well sort of thing. gosh I really would have expected something a little more coherent and intelligent here and now I'm rambling complete ramble...well 'complete'
Keep going Alan and keep writing....xxxx
From: (Anonymous)
2006-10-03 08:54 pm (UTC)


mariko..that wasn't me really..re:above,
great journal, Alan, hope things going ok and you keeping to your diet...well you have to don't you....still, thinking of you .....keep going!
hopefully you won't think me too greedy for writing twice...I mean once just here as of course I didn't write above comments..!