Category: Dev

  • Rich Interfaces In Java

    Rich Interfaces In Java

    One of the new features added to Java 8 is default methods. In previous versions of Java, adding a new method to an interface would break existing implementations. This made it very hard to evolve your public API without disrupting your clients. Java 8 now allows implementations of methods in an interface. This was needed because Java 8 introduced many new methods on existing interfaces such as sort in List or stream in Collection .

    Thin versus rich interfaces

    When creating an interface you face a trade-off in either making it rich or thin. A rich interface has many methods which makes it convenient for the caller while a thin interface has only a few methods which makes it easy to implement but not quite as useful for the caller.

    Traditionally Java interfaces have been thin rather than rich. Scala, on the other hand, has traits which allow concrete implementations and so tend to be very rich. Now that Java 8 has default methods we can take the same rich interface approach in our Java code as Scala does with traits.

    To create a rich interface, define a small number of abstract methods and a large number of concrete methods defined in terms of the abstract methods. Implementors of your interface need only implement the thin abstract part of your interface and thereby gain access to the richer part without having to write any more code.

    An example

    As a simple example I have implemented the Rational class and Ordered trait from the Programming in Scala book. We don’t get the symbolic method names and implicit conversions but the rich interface concept remains the same.

    Here is our rich Ordered interface. It declares one abstract method compare but also implements a number of convenience methods in terms of this abstract method.

     * A 'rich' interface for data that have a single, natural ordering.
     * Clients need only implement the compare method.
    public interface Ordered<T> {
         * Result of comparing `this` with operand `that`.
         * Implement this method to determine how instances of T will be sorted.
         * Returns `x` where:
         *   - `x < 0` when `this < that`
         *   - `x == 0` when `this == that`
         *   - `x > 0` when  `this > that`
        int compare(T that);
         * Returns true if `this` is less than `that`
        default boolean lessThan(T that) {
            return compare(that) < 0;
         * Returns true if `this` is greater than `that`.
        default boolean greaterThan(T that) {
            return compare(that) > 0;
         * Returns true if `this` is less than or equal to `that`.
        default boolean lessThanOrEqual(T that) {
            return compare(that) <= 0;
         * Returns true if `this` is greater than or equal to `that`.
        default boolean greaterThanOrEqual(T that) {
            return compare(that) >= 0;
         * Result of comparing `this` with operand `that`.
        default int compareTo(T that) {
            return compare(that);

    Here is our Rational class which implements Ordered. Apart from overriding equals and hashCode, the only method we need to implement is compare and we get lessThan, greaterThan, lessThanOrEqual, greaterThanOrEqual and compareTo “for free”.

    public class Rational implements Ordered<Rational> {
        public final int numerator;
        public final int denominator;
        public Rational(int numerator, int denominator) {
            if (denominator == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Denominator cannot be 0");
            int g = gcd(Math.abs(numerator), Math.abs(denominator));
            this.numerator = numerator / g;
            this.denominator = denominator / g;
        private int gcd(int a, int b) {
            if (b == 0) {
                return a;
            } else {
                return gcd(b, a % b);
        public boolean equals(Object that) {
            if (that == this) {
                return true;
            if (!(that instanceof Rational)) {
                return false;
            Rational r = (Rational) that;
            return r.numerator == this.numerator && r.denominator == this.denominator;
        public int hashCode() {
            int result = 17;
            result = 31 * result + numerator;
            result = 31 * result + denominator;
            return result;
        public String toString() {
            return numerator + "/" + denominator;
        public int compare(Rational that) {
            return (this.numerator * that.denominator) - (this.numerator * this.denominator);
        public Rational add(Rational that) {
            return new Rational(this.numerator * that.denominator + that.numerator * this.denominator,
                    this.denominator * that.denominator);
        public Rational times(Rational that) {
            return new Rational(this.numerator * that.numerator, this.denominator * that.denominator);

    Here’s a unit test that exercises the class.

    import org.junit.Test;
    import static org.junit.Assert.*;
    public class RationalTest {
        private final Rational half = new Rational(1, 2);
        private final Rational third = new Rational(1, 3);
        private final Rational twoThirds = new Rational(2, 3);
        private final Rational twoFourths = new Rational(2, 4);
        @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
        public void divideByZero() throws Exception {
            new Rational(1, 0);
        public void testEquals() throws Exception {
            assertEquals(twoFourths, twoFourths);
            assertEquals(half, twoFourths);
            assertEquals(twoFourths, half);
        public void testHashCode() throws Exception {
            assertEquals(twoFourths.hashCode(), new Rational(2, 4).hashCode());
            assertEquals(half.hashCode(), twoFourths.hashCode());
            assertFalse(half.hashCode() == twoThirds.hashCode());
        public void testString() throws Exception {
            assertEquals("2/5", new Rational(2, 5).toString());
            assertEquals("1/2", new Rational(3, 6).toString());
        public void compare() throws Exception {
        public void compareTo() throws Exception {
            assertTrue(third.compareTo(half) < 0);
            assertTrue(half.compareTo(half) == 0);
            assertTrue(half.compareTo(twoFourths) == 0);
            assertTrue(half.compareTo(third) > 0);
        public void add() throws Exception {
            Rational sevenSixths = half.add(twoThirds);
            assertEquals(7, sevenSixths.numerator);
            assertEquals(6, sevenSixths.denominator);
        public void times() throws Exception {
            Rational twoSixths = half.times(twoThirds);
            assertEquals(1, twoSixths.numerator);
            assertEquals(3, twoSixths.denominator);

    This is a very simple example but shows how we can introduce Scala’s rich interface style of traits into our Java 8 code.

  • Filtering with flatMap

    Filtering with flatMap

    Checked exceptions are annoying. They are especially annoying when they may be thrown inside a lambda where they can really interrupt the flow.

    What if you wanted to map a function over a list to collect values but a checked exception might get thrown in the process? In that case you don’t want the whole stream to stop executing but perhaps just log it and carry on with the next element.

    Here’s how you might have done it with Java 7; if an exception is thrown we just log it and don’t add it to the output list.

    public List<String> theOldWay(List<String> input) {
        List<String> output = new ArrayList();
        for (String s : input) {
            try {
                String value = methodThatMayThrowException(s);
            } catch (Exception e) {
      "Caught an exception", e);
        return output;

    With Java 8 we can use a combination of flatMap and empty streams to effectively filter out all the items that threw an exception.

    public List<String> oneWeirdTrick(List<String> input) {
                .flatMap(s -> {
                    try {
                        String value = methodThatMayThrowException(s);
                        return Stream.of(value);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
              "Caught an exception", e);
                        return Stream.empty();

    Those elements that were successful will be wrapped in a stream and those that threw an exception will return an empty stream. The call to flatMap  will throw away all the empty streams and leave you with a stream of “unwrapped” values to be collected.

  • Rules for dates and times

    Rules for dates and times

    Dates and times, like character encoding, are tricky to get right. In real life the concept of time is not something we usually think about much (except when we skipped breakfast this morning and it’s still only 10:30) but once you start storing and manipulating dates and times with computers you begin to run into all sorts of complications like time zones and durations and leap seconds and when is it really the ‘start of the day’ anyway?

    Probably the biggest problems with dates come from time zones. Time zones are more complicated than they first appear. They are not just an offset in hours (or half hours) from UTC but also a set of rules about when and if daylight saving time comes into effect.

    A good date and time library like Joda-Time or the new java.time API can make things easier but regardless of the tools being used I have found a few simple rules can make working with dates and times a bit more sane and save you having to take your site down for maintenance when summer time rolls around.

    Keep your server’s clock in UTC

    I have never found it useful to run a server in a time zone other than UTC. When you build a new server make sure one of the first things you do is set the system clock to UTC (remember to reboot or restart your system log so it picks up on the change). This will make inspecting logs so much easier as you won’t need to wonder whether the timestamp in the log entry is in UTC or whatever time zone your server is in or whether it was summer time when the log was written. It will also help reason about when cron jobs will actually run.

    Keep your database in UTC

    Just like the server itself, make sure your database is running in UTC. Many databases will use the system time zone by default so if the server it’s on is in UTC there’s a good chance the database is too but it can be helpful to explicitly set it.

    Keep your JVM in UTC

    Java has a default time zone it uses for date operations that don’t specify one. So does Joda-Time. You can set the user.timezone system property or set it directly using TimeZone.setDefault(timeZone). I tend to set it during application startup with something like this (also sets Joda-Time default):

    TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");

    Store and work with dates in UTC

    Joda-Time may help you work with time zones but for many applications you don’t really care about a time zone until it comes time to either accept data from or present data to the user. Until that time comes keep your dates in UTC. Keep them in UTC for as long as you can and whatever you do, unless you must record the time zone of a date, store it as UTC in your database.

    You may have spotted a theme; keeping your dates in UTC for as long as possible can really help you to reason about what your code will do and when it will do it. If you only work with dates internally and don’t need to present a localised date to a user then you can just keep everything in UTC all the time and never worry about summer time again.

    Start date is inclusive, end date is exclusive

    Once you stick to this rule, date ranges become so much easier to work with. For example, if I were to specify ‘this week’, the start date would be 2015-01-04T00:00:00Z and the end date would be 2015-01-11T00:00:00Z. You will have no trouble comparing instants to a date range if you follow this rule.

    For some reason this seems to be a tricky concept for non-programmers to grasp so you will no doubt have to put up with requirements being specified using times like 23:59:59.

    Use ISO 8601

    Finally, where possible stick to the ISO 8601 formats for representing dates and times. Like all the above rules this one helps eliminate ambiguities and inconsistencies.


  • Java 8 Date & Time API Cheat Sheet

    Java 8 Date & Time API Cheat Sheet

    For a long time now the excellent Joda-Time library has been the de facto date and time API for Java. Like SLF4J or Guava it is one of those dependencies that I seem to add by default to any new project but since the release of Java 8 users are asked to migrate to the new java.time API. Finally Java has a date and time API it doesn’t need to be ashamed of.

    This new API is heavily influenced by the good design decisions of Joda-Time and much of its usage is similar but with years of writing Joda-Time code under my fingers I still find myself checking the new Javadoc from time to time for the subtle differences.

    Here is a short list of some common date/time tasks using the new API. Interoperability with the old Date class will often be a requirement for the near future so included are a couple of examples converting from java.util.Date and java.sql.Date to java.time.

    // Convert java.util.Date to java.time.ZonedDateTime
    Date now = new Date();
    ZonedDateTime utc = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(now.toInstant(), ZoneOffset.UTC);
    ZonedDateTime auckland = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(now.toInstant(), ZoneId.of("Pacific/Auckland"));
    ZonedDateTime plusOne = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(now.toInstant(), ZoneOffset.of("+1"));
    // Convert java.time.ZonedDateTime to java.util.Date
    ZonedDateTime utc =;
    Date now = Date.from(utc.toInstant());
    // Convert java.time.ZonedDateTime to milliseconds from Epoch (java.util.Date#getTime)
    ZonedDateTime utc =;
    // Start of today
    ZonedDateTime startOfToday =;
    // Start of this week (Monday)
    ZonedDateTime startOfWeek ="Europe/London")).with(TemporalAdjusters.previousOrSame(DayOfWeek.MONDAY));
    // Start of this month
    ZonedDateTime startOfMonth =;
    // Days between dates
    LocalDate today =;
    LocalDate threeDaysAgo = today.minusDays(3);
    long days = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(threeDaysAgo, today);
    // to java.time.Instant
    java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(1446853831381L);
    Instant i = Instant.ofEpochMilli(sqlDate.getTime());
    //Can also convert to LocalDate directly

    You can drop Joda-Time from your Scala apps running on Java 8, too although the conflict with Scala’s reserved word with means backticks are sometimes required.

    val friday ="Europe/London")).`with`(TemporalAdjusters.previousOrSame(DayOfWeek.FRIDAY)).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.MINUTES)



  • A Kanban and Scrum workflow with JIRA Agile

    A Kanban and Scrum workflow with JIRA Agile

    JIRA Agile has come a long way from the days of the GreenHopper plugin. It’s now pretty well integrated into JIRA and I’ve found it great for running an Agile workflow.

    JIRA Agile supports both Scrum and Kanban boards so you can manage your tickets using whichever methodology you prefer but what if different parts of your team want or need to work in different ways? With JIRA Agile you can have multiple boards so tickets flow through different teams in different ways.

    Maybe your developers are using Scrum with week long sprints. They want a standard Scrum board where they can take tickets from the To Do column, move them into In Progress when work starts and then to Done when complete.

    But perhaps weekly sprints don’t really suit the planning workflow of your product team. They would prefer to use a Kanban approach of managing their work in progress.

    Ideally we want to be able to create tickets on the product team’s board and move them into the developers’ board when they are at a suitable stage of readiness. By mapping statuses you can have a kind of combined Kanban/Scrum process.

    Product Board

    This is a Kanban board with 5 columns: Backlog, Requirements, Ready for development, Test and Ready for release. Each column is mapped to the following respective Statuses: IDEA, REQUIREMENTS, TO DO, RESOLVED and CLOSED. The IN PROGRESS status is left unmapped so tickets in this state will not show up on the board.

    The product team can work on tickets in the Backlog and Requirements phases before moving them to the Ready for development column which will cause them to show up in the Development Scrum board (as we will see).

    Once the developers have completed a ticket it can be moved into the RESOLVED state and it will then reappear on the Product board in the Test column. When the product owner is happy that the requirements have been met it can be moved to the Ready for release column.

    Development Board

    This is a Scrum board with the standard three columns: To Do, In Progress and Done. Some tickets may not need to be sent back to product for review and can be closed directly so the Done column has both RESOLVED and CLOSED statuses.

    Scrum Board
    Scrum development board

    When planning a sprint, the Development board will only show those tickets with a status of TO DO in the backlog. Tickets that are still being prepared by the product team (IDEA and REQUIREMENTS) are left unmapped so won’t show up until they are ready to be scheduled into a sprint. Once a ticket is moved into the RESOLVED state it will reappear on the Product board.

    By combining Scrum and Kanban boards you can create a hybrid workflow that better suits the needs of the people actually working on the tickets. You don’t need to force everyone into a single way of working.

  • Calculating distance with a Java 8 Collector

    Calculating distance with a Java 8 Collector

    In a previous post I showed a way to calculate the total distance of a GPX track using Scala’s foldLeft. Continuing my current hobby of exploring the new Java 8 lambdas and streams API I thought I would see how the functional approach translated to Java.

    To recap, a GPX track is just a sequence of latitude, longitude pairs. The first problem is that Java doesn’t have Scala’s handy tuples so we need a custom class to represent a point.

    class Point {
        public final double lat;
        public final double lon;
        public Point(double lat, double lon) {
   = lat;
            this.lon = lon;

    My first thought was to use the reduce method on the Stream interface but given the slightly more complicated requirement to keep track of both the total distance and the previous point I ended up implementing a custom Collector. From the Javadoc a Collector is:

    A mutable reduction operation that accumulates input elements into a mutable result container, optionally transforming the accumulated result into a final representation after all input elements have been processed. Reduction operations can be performed either sequentially or in parallel.

    The Collector interface has three type parameters: T is the type of input elements to the reduction operation, A is the mutable accumulation type of the reduction operation and R is the result type of the reduction operation.

    In our case, the input elements are Points and the result type is a Double (distance in miles). We just need a mutable accumulation type to keep track of the total distance and the last point in the track. Here it is:

    class Result {
        private Point previousPoint;
        private double totalDistance = 0.0;

    So we have an input type and an accumulation type. Now we can implement the Collector which uses the haversine formula to calculate great circle distance between each point in the track and put it all together:

    package com.davidkeen.test;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
    import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
    import java.util.function.Function;
    import java.util.function.Supplier;
    public class GpxDistanceCalculator {
        public static class Point {
            public final double lat;
            public final double lon;
            public Point(double lat, double lon) {
       = lat;
                this.lon = lon;
        private static class Result {
            private Point previousPoint;
            private double totalDistance = 0.0;
        public static class GpxCollector implements Collector<Point, Result, Double> {
            public static double haversineDistance(Point pointA, Point pointB) {
                double deltaLat = Math.toRadians( -;
                double deltaLong = Math.toRadians(pointB.lon - pointA.lon);
                double a = Math.pow(Math.sin(deltaLat / 2), 2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians( *
                        Math.cos(Math.toRadians( * Math.pow(Math.sin(deltaLong / 2), 2);
                double greatCircleDistance = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
                return 3958.761 * greatCircleDistance;
            public Supplier<Result> supplier() {
                return Result::new;
            public BiConsumer<Result, Point> accumulator() {
                return (accumulator, entry) -> {
                    if (accumulator.previousPoint != null) {
                        accumulator.totalDistance += haversineDistance(accumulator.previousPoint, entry);
                    accumulator.previousPoint = entry;
            public BinaryOperator<Result> combiner() {
                // Should not be processed in a parallel stream
                return null;
            public Function<Result, Double> finisher() {
                return accumulator -> accumulator.totalDistance;
            public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {
                return Collections.emptySet();
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            List<Point> track = new ImmutableList.Builder<Point>()
                    .add(new Point(51.168437004089355, -0.648922920227051))
                    .add(new Point(51.16805076599121, -0.64918041229248))
                    .add(new Point(51.16757869720459, -0.64995288848877))
            double distance = GpxCollector());
            System.out.println("Total distance: " + distance + " miles");

    So given that we need to implement a Point class and a custom Collector the end result isn’t quite as concise as Scala but it’s still a nice functional way of processing the list. Unfortunately we can’t take advantage of parallel streams as the points have to be processed in order. The more I use Java 8’s new streams and lambdas the more I like them and Collectors are a nice way of customising reduction.