All posts filed under: Dev

Rich Interfaces In Java

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One of the new features added to Java 8 is default methods. In previous versions of Java, adding a new method to an interface would break existing implementations. This made it very hard to evolve your public API without disrupting your clients. Java 8 now allows implementations of methods in an interface. This was needed because Java 8 introduced many new methods on existing interfaces such as sort in List or stream in Collection . […]

Filtering with flatMap

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Checked exceptions are annoying. They are especially annoying when they may be thrown inside a lambda where they can really interrupt the flow. What if you wanted to map a function over a list to collect values but a checked exception might get thrown in the process? In that case you don’t want the whole stream to stop executing but perhaps just log it and carry on with the next element. Here’s how you might […]

Rules for dates and times

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Dates and times, like character encoding, are tricky to get right. In real life the concept of time is not something we usually think about much (except when we skipped breakfast this morning and it’s still only 10:30) but once you start storing and manipulating dates and times with computers you begin to run into all sorts of complications like time zones and durations and leap seconds and when is it really the ‘start of […]

A Kanban and Scrum workflow with JIRA Agile

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JIRA Agile has come a long way from the days of the GreenHopper plugin. It’s now pretty well integrated into JIRA and I’ve found it great for running an Agile workflow. JIRA Agile supports both Scrum and Kanban boards so you can manage your tickets using whichever methodology you prefer but what if different parts of your team want or need to work in different ways? With JIRA Agile you can have multiple boards so […]

Calculating distance with a Java 8 Collector

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In a previous post I showed a way to calculate the total distance of a GPX track using Scala’s foldLeft. Continuing my current hobby of exploring the new Java 8 lambdas and streams API I thought I would see how the functional approach translated to Java. To recap, a GPX track is just a sequence of latitude, longitude pairs. The first problem is that Java doesn’t have Scala’s handy tuples so we need a custom […]